
When it comes to advancing in Scouting, follow the Scout Motto and “Be Prepared.” It will carry you far. Here’s some other hints:

The Scout Handbook should be brought to each meeting and camping activities. Keep it safe, as the Book is fragile, and it holds your Scouting life within its pages! Be sure to get activities and/or requirements signed off as soon as possible. Please meet with the Advancement Chair frequently to update your online Scoutbook records with any updates that you have in your physical Scout Handbook.

Scouts are responsible for earning merit badges required for advancement. Our leadership had a list of Merit Badge Counselors in our area. Merit Badge records are kept track of through blue cards. Blue cards must be signed by the Merit Badge Counselor, Advancement Chair, and Scoutmaster to be fully completed. Some counselors will send electronically signed blue cards, but always take a physical blue card to your Merit Badge Sessions just in case. The Scout is to be the only one to contact any Merit Badge Counselor.

It is very important to keep the completed Merit Badge blue cards. Plastic “Baseball Card” holders work well to keep them all together. Also, remember to write in the margins of the Scout Handbook any Scout activities done- service projects, troop activities, hikes, camps, etc. This will help in keeping track of hours for advancement, as well as Eagle records.

Troop 312 has it’s own Life to Eagle Policy here.