Life to Eagle Policy FAQ

Questions and Answers
It’s our hope as your Troop Committee, that you follow our Life to Eagle policy and avoid any problems. Below you will find some typical questions about problems and potential consequences.

Q. I’m almost 18 and I still have 2 merit badges to complete, can I make Eagle?
A. You may, but you may find that counselors are not available, so it’s better not to wait until the last minute.

Q. The Troop Committee has some question about my Scout Spirit. What can I do?
A. Lack of Scout Spirit may be cause for rejection of your Eagle application. If you have time, the Troop Committee may come up with a plan of action in order for you to prove your Scout Spirit. Please be aware that this may take up to an additional 6 months. If you are close to your 18th birthday, you may be out of time. Keep in mind, there is never a guarantee.

Q. BSA rules say that I have up until my 18th birthday to earn the rank of Eagle, so I can squeeze everything in at the last minute, right?
A. Your Troop Committee holds the rank of Eagle in the highest regard, and as such, we will only approve Eagle candidates that have followed Troop policy.

Q. If I have to, I can go outside the Troop to earn my Eagle, right?
A. If the Troop Committee had any reason to reject your application, everything is suspended at that point. If you choose to go outside of our Troop in your pursuit of Eagle, we would do nothing less than wish you good luck. Remember, at that point we no longer have any part in your Eagle process, including any Eagle ceremony.

Q. What’s the big deal about the six letters of recommendation?
A. You will need 6 total references for Eagle. These references will be from your parents, teachers, employers, religious leaders, and other important figures in your life. Before submitting your Eagle Application to Council, make sure that everyone you would like to have write a letter for you is aware that they will have to write it, and note down their contact information. The Advancement Chair will later contact them with all the information about writing the letters of recommendation.